平底分类器 are part of the family of hindered settling classification equipment that includes 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hydrosizers™. These units use a dense fluidized bed of near-size sand to float off lightweight materials while allowing heavier fractions to pass through the bed.

平底分类器 are primarily used by aggregate producers in the production of construction sands but can also be used in specialty sands production, 当有机物存在时,包括玻璃砂和压裂砂. This technology is also utilized in soils washing for contaminated sites. 通常,多氯联苯等污染物集中在有机物中. The Lites-Out™ is excellent for this application where the organics are separated from the sand for disposal and the sand can be reused.

life - out™平底分类器是如何工作的

在典型的lite - out™系统中,平底分类器由一个 水力旋流器 提供有控制的、密集的和脱泥的饲料. 浆液通过中央进料井进入装置顶部, while water is injected via a plenum chamber through specialized nozzles to create an upward rising current. 这就建立了一个悬浮或摇摇欲坠的固体区域. The solids in suspension are of a size fraction at the point of separation (better described as the cut point), 悬空的:悬空时既不粗也不细的. Fine/light particulates don’t penetrate this dense fluidized bed and are carried up by the rising water current over the weir as overflow at the top of the unit. 较粗/较重的颗粒能够穿透摇摇欲坠的岩层, 由重力, pass through the water injection zone to be collected and discharged through an underflow valve.

The 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Lites-Out™ maintains separation automatically through a simple PID control loop. Operators can set the water injection rate and the desired operating density. 这个单位需要最少的监督, as the Lites-Out™ control monitors the classification environment and opens/closes the dart valves at the bottom of the separation chamber. 该装置自动补偿进给量的变化, 唯一能动的是下流阀.

A manual globe valve and a flow meter is supplied with every unit so teeter water can be adjusted easily. 额外费用, the teeter water volume can also be automatically set and maintained using a separate PID loop control utilizing an air-operated control valve.

Where the Lites-Out™ units are being used for organics removal such as in soils washing or lignite removal, the overflow will contain larger organics with the finer sand (equivalent weight particulates); in this case, an interstage screen is used to separate the larger organics from the finer sands.

通常, 建筑集料, the screen throughs will be recombined with the coarse Underflow and fed to either 螺丝、水力旋流器和/或 脱水屏幕 生产可堆叠的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 螺丝 and 水力旋流器s assist in further removal of the finest lightweight materials.

有机物或用工厂的废水处理, collected for use for site restoration or sent to high temperature destruction in the case of contaminated soils projects.

为什么菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 lite - out™平底分类器

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s experienced process engineers can customize organics/lignite removal 系统 to meet the needs of most end users. 这些系统通常是现有系统的附加组件 分类罐 系统, 因存款或市场变动而需要, or are stand-alone 系统 for construction aggregate or contaminated soil applications. 拥有多个操作系统和一站式服务, 经过现场验证的设备选择, 没人能比得上麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的出价.

作为其服务和支持的一部分, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation provides sink-float testing at our in-house laboratory to evaluate the effectiveness of a Lites-Out™ System for specific applications. Testing for specific gravity is critical to the selection of the right equipment. 大部分褐煤在1.4 – 1.8sg范围内,其中最适合去除的是从2.6+ SG砂.

关于lite - out™平底分类器的常见问题


简短的回答是否定的. It should be noted that construction sand evaluation is based on ASTM C-123 — The Standard Test Method for Lightweight particles in Aggregate. In this test ,<50 mesh (-300µm) fractions are not considered part of the test. 由过程的性质,而有一个 褐煤显著减少在美国,最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全很少不含褐煤. To explain, the overflow of a Lites-Out™ contains the lightweight material and the fine useable sand. This overflow stream is directed to a screen, typically a sieve bend style. It will then screen out the coarser lightweight fractions as a waste; however, the throughs of the screen containing the fine sand will also contain fine lightweight material. 这种泥浆通常被引导到一个水池中,然后被泵入采收率 水力旋流器 或者直接脱水 螺杆垫圈. Both the 水力旋流器 and the 螺杆垫圈 will reject most of the lightweight materials as overflow but will not eliminate the lightweight materials.

这种材料有可能具有更高的比重. The operating level in the Lites-Out™ can be raised to just below the overflow weir. The set point can be adjusted higher and the teeter water flow can be increased. 上述所有方法的结合通常会改善这种污染. 稍微减少筛砂也可能产生理想的效果. 如果您继续遇到此问题, 采集颗粒物样本,提交给麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全实验室. Before shipping the samples, obtain the necessary 文档ation from your dealer or the factory.

这取决于. 平底分类器/Lites-Out™ do make separations based on the set-point in a similar way to the Hydrosizer™; however, 采用间歇式卸料, 细粉可以从流化床中被拉入粗流. 根据个别菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全所需的精度而定, 或者溢出和下溢混合, 这也许不用担心. 通常, though, the device is not accurate enough for the discrete cuts in frac sand applications.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 lite - out™平底分类器 删除轻量级 organic material from sand products.

特性 & 好处
  • 有效去除有机物
  • 低运营成本
  • 投资回报快
  • 简单的在线调整粒度分离
  • 镀锌静压箱,使用寿命长
  • 橡胶内衬进料管耐磨
  • 橡胶柱状喷嘴,使用寿命长
  • 简单的镖阀操作相对于昂贵的夹管式阀门
  • 较短结构的低轮廓


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