Multi-Stage Sampling Systems

多阶段抽样是指样品处理设备、结构、建筑物等. 这构成了一个完整的采样解决方案后,采样设备的初级阶段.


In sampling applications, minimum sample mass collected at the primary stage of sampling is often too large to handle in a practical, cost-effective manner. 处理大量样品通常需要更多的样品收集能力, 更频繁地清空或更换样品收集容器, 升降装置或处理样品收集装置的设备, 较大的离线实验室设备来处理样品, and excessive amounts of material to dispose of once the lab has finished its processing work. These issues, 以及其他这里没有特别提到的, 在质量计划中增加下游成本.

The solution to these difficulties is to handle as much processing of primary samples as is practical within a mechanical sampling system. 完整的机械取样系统, 他们通常被称为MSS, can consist of a number of different types of equipment that may not be limited to sampling equipment. 其他经常使用的机械取样系统设备包括破碎机(锤磨机), jaw crushers, roll crushers), conveyors, mixers, dividers, and multi-station collectors, to name a few common machines. 完整的机械取样系统 will incorporate as many types of sampling equipment as necessary to meet the needs of the application and satisfy layout requirements, 同时也尽量减少设备的总数量. More handling and transferring of samples introduces more potential sources of error into the sample collection and handling process. 

At the end of the day, the goal of a sampling program is to represent a relatively large amount of material with a relatively small amount of sample. 更多的样品收集和处理在机械取样系统内完成, in an automatic fashion, will result in a more correct, efficient, 以及具有成本效益的抽样方案.


A common example of a multi-stage sampling system offering is a sampling system installed in a modular sample building — a custom designed and fabricated building that is intended to house a number of equipment configurations in a prepackaged semi-portable system. 这种模块化的建筑布置通常包括一个样品破碎机, reject conveyor, secondary sampler and sample collection — mechanically and electrically installed prior to shipment.

其他功能包括照明, power outlets, local jog and stop operators, 带暖通空调的独立控制室, 以及建筑设备部分的供暖和通风. 其他选项可用, 如建筑物顶部存取平台(需现场组装), exterior lighting, 和一个单独的进样输送机(如果需要根据系统布局).

假设包括一个样品喂料输送机, primary sample would be directed from the discharge of the primary sampler to the inlet of the sample feed conveyor. 如果空间允许,样品输送装置通常安装在建筑物的顶部, but it can convey material from wherever the primary sample is located to the roof inlet of the sample building. Sample material is fed from the sample feed conveyor at a controlled rate to the sample crusher (located inside the building) where the particle size is reduced as necessary. The crusher discharges into the reject conveyor inlet where it is spread out along the conveyor belt for a uniform flow at a uniform cross section to the secondary sampler. The secondary sampler removes final sample increments from this material flow for collection in whatever sample collection device is provided, 而剩余的材料继续沿着垃圾传送带流出建筑物. The rejects are then removed by whatever rejects handling system has been designed with the sampling system.

存在许多其他系统配置, 并且可以使用多种配置的多种类型的设备. 任何采样应用程序的最终目标都是收集较小的二级(或三级)数据, quaternary, etc.)样品进行分析,如有需要,包括粉碎阶段.


  • 发货系统,用于设置商品的价值或验证商品的内容
  • 验证商品内容价值的收货系统
  • 植物饲料系统在加工前确定物料的含量
  • 成品系统,用于验证加工后材料的含量和质量
  • 根据应用,在工厂内的不同位置进行工厂过程控制


Sampling requires a relatively small amount of material be collected to accurately represent a relatively large amount of material. 具体的实现方式可能会因各种原因而有所不同. 原因可以从处理的材料类型, to the industry in question, 对物理布局要求的约束, 以满足客户取样程序的具体需求.

Suffice to say that being successful requires a complete understanding of each application and close attention to many details. The success of a sampling installation requires that these details be addressed in a way that complies with relevant sampling standards and theory, 抽样和物料处理的最佳实践, 并具有成功实施抽样系统的经验. McLanahan了解每个客户的需求, 了解与抽样相关的细节, and applies specific sampling and material handling knowledge into a sampling system that results in a cost-effective sampling solution that seamlessly integrates into a client’s facility.

当您与McLanahan一起构建完整的多级采样系统时, 抽样专家会花时间了解你的设备, application, and sampling needs. 在充分了解您的申请要求之后, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以就设备选择提供建议, system layout, 和抽样计划,然后组合一个合适的解决方案.

Modular Sample Buildings

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McLanahan Modular Sample Buildings are pre-packaged Multi-Stage Sampling Systems housed in modular-style structures. These units are tailored to each application but will typically include a Sampling Crusher (such as a Sampling Hammermill Crusher, Sampling Jaw Crusher or Sampling Roll Crusher/Sizer) and a secondary Sampling System (such as a Cross Belt Sampler or a Falling Stream Sampler). The modular-style of this type of Multi-Stage Sampling System allows for quick and easy setup on site, 同时也降低了安装成本. 


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Not necessarily. 这将取决于许多事情,但主要是 根据您的应用程序和预算的需要. Some applications require only relatively small amounts of sample be collected during the primary sampling stage. In these cases, it doesn’t always make sense to incorporate the additional equipment to reduce the sample within the mechanical sampling system. Sample material from the primary stage would simply be collected and taken to the lab for processing.

Other times, 在初级阶段收集的材料数量更大,而且可能很麻烦, but a customer does not want to commit the capital to purchasing additional equipment to automatically process sample after the primary stage. 在这种情况下,样品将由实验室人员手动还原(并可能粉碎). 然后,不合格的材料也需要手工处理. Usually, 如果需要大量的初级样品, additional equipment is purchased to crush and reduce the primary samples to a reasonable amount that the lab can easily handle and process. 这种情况确实有更高的资本成本, 但它最终将证明成本更低, 因为大量的人工处理被消除了. 通常情况下,处理情况的最佳方法是特定于应用程序的. This is why McLanahan encourages prospective clients to contact us to discuss their sampling needs so we can learn about your application and offer advice tailored to your specific requirements.

Multi-stage sampling systems are incorporated in numerous types of applications across a wide variety of industries.

Features & Benefits
  • Verifies shipped or received bulk materials meet quality requirements of purchase agreements
  • 为过程控制提供必要的数据
  • Can be engineered to sample from any number of stages to ensure product meets customer requirements
  • Reduces the amount of post-system material handling by collecting smaller portions of a larger sample mass for the final save sample
  • 是否可以在系统内加入一个样品破碎机来减小颗粒尺寸

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